SDWS Saturday Paintout at the Lakeside Historical Society in Lakeside
Location: Lakeside Historical Society in Lakeside, CA
Date: 10/14/2023 09:00 AM - 01:00 PM
From 8 East take 67 North. Exit Right onto Mapleview Street and then immediately Right onto Maine St. At the third intersection you are on the corner of Maine and Parkside St. You have arrived!
Stan Goudey is well and ready to present our Oct. Demo Paintout. Stan has signature status in AWS, SDWS, and WFWS, and is a Master Artist at SDWS! Stan will show us the five principles of painting which are, 1. Drawing, 2. Values, 3.Concept/Composition, 4. Color, and 5. Technique. Beyond technique Stan will explain the importance of including a powerful message in a painting.
The Demo Paintout is going to be held at the Lakeside Historical Society which is a church that was constructed in 1895! The bell of the church was installed during construction and the cupola was built around it. Traditionally the bell ringing summoned the community on Sundays. At the end of World War I the women would come together at noon to ring the bell seven times to spell out the word VICTORY! This practice started a trend across the country.
The Demo will start promptly at 9AM with a review at 12:30 PM.