Workshops - Painting Interiors - The Inside Scoop! - LIVE IN GALLERY

Painting Interiors - The Inside Scoop! - LIVE IN GALLERY

   Artwork by Mike Kowalski      Artwork by Mike Kowalski

Watercolor painting is a challenge. We all should pat ourselves on the back for working in an unforgiving medium. I don't know about you, but all that challenge brings rewards. When I pull off a painting with satisfactory elements and even a few mistakes, I know I have created something special and unique.

Each subject, whether a landscape or still life, has problems to solve. Painting interiors is something I love to do. I am often inside somewhere ( especially when it is hot outside! ), sketching and painting. Interestingly, you only see a few interior pictures. It may be because students are hesitant to attempt an interior subject. The interior is another thing to paint. How best to begin to think and paint a convincing, exciting, or intimate interior scene?

The painting elements are the same for any watercolor: a brush-load of color, solid technique, knowledgeable mixing skills, and using values to your advantage. Painting an interior can be challenging because we need a sense of perspective and good light ( or some light ) to help create a 3-dimensional space. My workshop will touch on these skills. We will start drawing to get comfortable with simplified aspects of perspective. Our painting will include value studies that help prep your mind and hand for actual watercolor painting to come. The more confident you are in your approach to a watercolor painting, the better.

We will spend each day with a lecture and demonstration and work on a few exercises to complete two paintings. We will be working from photos and on-site sketches. I will cover information on color palettes, materials, special techniques, color mixing, and paint application, with a few demos thrown in for good measure. The workshop may include video and slide presentations. I find looking at other artists' "problem-solving" helpful. The skills and techniques you will learn in this class will help you in all aspects of your watercolor painting.

I look forward to you joining me for three days of exciting, fun, and informative watercolor painting.

Cheers, Mike

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  Headshot Mike Kowalski.        Artwork by Mike Kowalski


            Artist Mike Kowalski

Mike Kowalski's paintings draw inspiration from the natural surroundings of Shoreham and the cityscapes of Melbourne, Australia. He paints from observation, sketching in charcoal, oil, and watercolor to capture the moods and images of the natural and built world around him, preferring to paint outdoors. Born and raised in California, Mike started entering art shows as a teen and eventually earned a BFA from Utah State University. He lived and worked as an illustrator in California and lived on Marrowstone Island, Washington, for many years before moving to Australia permanently in 2014. Awards include "Artists Choice" at Sonoma Plein Air, 1st place at the Pacific Northwest Plein Air Invitational. and the Thomas Somerscales Maritime Award (VAS). In 2015, Mike won the coveted Silver Medal of Honor at the 148th AWS International Exhibition in New York. Most recently won awards at the 100th National Watercolor Society International Exhibition and the Past Presidents Awards from NWS. His watercolors were exhibited in Italy, Greece, Japan, and Russia from 2019 to 2021. Mike has been a consecutive exhibitor in the prestigious Fabriano Biennial, Fabriano, Italy. Mike's work is influenced by John Singer Sargent, Emile Kosa Jr, Maynard Dixon, and Australian artist Harold Herbert.

Non Members Fee: $475.00 Members Fee: $450.00

This workshop takes place on:

Wednesday, April 23rd, 2025 - Friday, April 25th, 2025
9:00 AM-3:30 PM Login and sign up
