Workshops - Color, Composition, and Collage - LIVE IN GALLERY WORKSHOP

Color, Composition, and Collage - LIVE IN GALLERY WORKSHOP


   Artwork by Kathleen Conover      Artwork by Kathleen Conover



       Demonstrations, a 9 page syllabus plus additional handouts, individual attention and independent work time will enable understanding and application of new information and processes.  Specific lessons on creating exciting textures, layering, expressive mark making, color concepts, how to do a value study, understanding composition and more will be presented.   “Most of all,” Kathleen says, “I want to help each artist advance to the next level in their own work – no matter where they start.”   Bring your sense of adventure and enthusiasm for this high-energy, fully-packed workshop.  An introduction to Kathleen’s teaching is included in a three part You Tube video in “Workshops” on her web site:


Conover headshot 

Artist Kathleen Conover, AWS-DF, NWS, ISEA-NF, WHS, TWSA-MA 

 Watermedia Artist, Workshop Instructor, Exhibition Judge


Master Artist, Kathleen exhibits her work, juries exhibitions, gives demonstrations, and teaches in-depth workshops. She has been juried into more than 100 exhibitions, receiving national and international recognition for the vision, innovative techniques, and fearless expression that give rise to her unique designs. Painting with openness to her subject matter, she is guid- ed by intense observation and deep personal reflection. The result is rich symbolic layers of literal and figurative design.

Painting from an early age, Kathleen was influenced by teachers and artists in the fertile environment of Southern California’s prominent artists, museums and galleries as well as early international travels. She studied undergraduate fine arts at San Diego State University, finished her Bachelor of Art degree at the University of Washington in Seattle and earned her Master of Arts degree from Northern Michigan University. Continued study with American master watercolor artists over the next decade enriched her depth, understanding, skill, and personal style of painting.

Kathleen Conover’s current involvement in the growing international watercolor scene includes invitations to exhibit, judge, and demonstrate in China, Turkey, France, Belgium, Thailand, and Greece. She has been honored as one of 40 international master watercolorists invited to exhibit at the first watercolor-exclusive museum in Qingdao, China, the “Birthplace of Watercolor”. Global travel continues to influence her award winning paintings and inspires her work toward her lifetime pursuit, “... to be a better painter”. 


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Non Members Fee: $575.00 Members Fee: $550.00

This workshop takes place on:

Monday, August 11th, 2025 - Thursday, August 14th, 2025
9:00 AM-3:30 PM Login and sign up
