Workshops - Creating Depth and Drama in Watercolor ZOOM WORKSHOP

Creating Depth and Drama in Watercolor ZOOM WORKSHOP


   Artwork by Kathleen Giles    Artwork by Kathleen Giles

Creating Depth and Drama in Watercolor  

The first day begins with a short digital picture show and Kathleen will discuss choosing the best references and how she manipulates them to ensure a more successful painting.Kathleen will demonstrate throughout the day allowing time for students to work as well. The pace of the class will be set by the majority of the class.Wet-into-wet, wet-on-dry, glazing techniques and dry brush will be demonstrated and explained. We will paint a still-life containing flowers and fruit or other objects. Students will receive the photo references and an introductory video from Kathleen will be sent to all registered students about 5 weeks before the workshop.  


This workshop will feature a still life including florals and a variety of textures.


Experience level: Some previous watercolor experience needed 


Supply List


              Kathleen Giles Headshot     Artwork by Kathleen S. Giles

                     Kathleen S. Giles 

                             ~AWS,NWS-M, TWSA,AWA,PWS,NFWS,WHS 



"My art has become such an all-encompassing force in my life that I am always involved in some aspect of it. I am drawn to subjects that are filled with color and dramatic lighting. They can be beautiful but often have an underlying story. My work captures a moment in time. I strive to draw the viewer into my visual narrative and to create an emotional response. For me, realism is the best way to do that. My teaching has allowed me to meet and work with wonderful artists from all around the world. I value those relationships that have enriched my life so much" - Kathleen

Kathleen’s primary discipline is watercolor and her realistic portrayal of everyday life has won her many awards. She is a signature member of the American Watercolor Society, a Master Signature of the National Watercolor Society, the Transparent Watercolor Society, American Women Artists, Women In Watercolor, the Pennsylvania Watercolor Society and the Niagara Frontier Watercolor Society. The artist is a member of the International Guild of Realism and an elected member of the Allied Artists of America.

The artist's work is defined by strong values and intense colors on a variety of subjects. She travels the U.S. to teach workshops, in-person and online. In 2025 Her painting Life is Learning to fly was accepted into the American Watercolor Society Show. In 2024, her painting “Life is Having Time for Nature” won first place in the Richeson Portrait Competition. Her painting "Life is a Reflection of Youth" won the Edgar Whitney Memorial award at the Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club and the Watercolor USA Honor Society Escoda Brush Merchandise Award at Watercolor USA. In 2024 she also had two paintings included in Splash 25, the Best of Watercolor also had work in Splash 24, 23, 21, 20, 17 and 15. Kathleen is a 2023 Arc Salon winning artist for her painting "Tears For Ukraine". The painting "Life Is Feeling Boxed In" won the Bronze Medal from the American Watercolor Society, in 2022. Kathleen was one of the instructors in the 2nd Watercolor Live. She also did a demonstration on the Eric Rhoads Streamline video podcast. Watch the video here,


Non Members Fee: $325.00 Members Fee: $300.00

This workshop takes place on:

Monday, July 14th, 2025 - Wednesday, July 16th, 2025
9:00 AM-3:30 PM Login and sign up
