Bev Tuzin has been an outstanding member and volunteer for the San Diego Watercolor Society since 2000. She has volunteered as a staffer and served on many committees, including, among others, the International Show committee, the Finance Committee and the Board of Directors. She was responsible for the Donor Wall, maintaining accurate donation information each year, and updating the plaques annually.
Bev has been instrumental in obtaining thousands of dollars of grants for SDWS from the City of San Diego, first as a member of the grant-writing team, and for the last 5 years as our Development Director. In addition, she has developed fund-raising strategies to encourage our members and others to support our programs and the annual International Exhibition.
We appreciate her expertise and efficiency in tracking SDWS metrics each year, providing us with year-end reports that summarize our activities and progress.
Bev is smart, funny, capable, a terrific artist and willing to help wherever needed to support SDWS. She is more than deserving to be chosen as Volunteer of the month.