Susan Wormsley is May’s Volunteer of the Month. Susan has served SDWS in many capacities over the years, and mostly “behind the scenes”; however, she was our Communications Director for several years, and in that role she created valuable contact lists for us in order to get the word out to artists and art lovers about our organization and its activities. Susan was instrumental in creating a presence for SDWS on Social Media, and was the driving force behind putting juror comments on our website for each of our Member Shows.
The online store we have on our website is due, in no small part, to Susan’s initiative. She has trained our staffers to use the Square for sales transactions, and has updated our staff manual. She has created training videos for our staffers. She and her husband designed and created the Plexiglas barriers that we now have at our front desk and in our Education Center. I think of Susan as one of those “go-to” people that you call when you need something to get done and done well. She is one of those “golden” volunteers that SDWS is so fortunate to have as a member of our volunteer team!