Juror Robin Erickson
Juror Commendations
“Another Good Read” by Julie Anderson
Julie’s choice of colors is perfect – an unusual and appealing palette. Everything about this painting works. The overall drafting skill is excellent, the textures are subtle and they unify the piece. Great job! The painting is really impressive.

“Waiting” by Jean Silva
This small painting packs a beautiful design. The use of complimentary colors work especially well with just the right amount of texture in them. The subject’s face is nicely highlighted by the white wall, she fills the frame, touching all the sides and the pose is very appealing. This painter knows composition backwards and forwards.

“Great is His Faithfulness” by Susan Keith
Beautiful color scheme, nicely painted. This painting exudes calm, nature, and relaxation. The full frame foliage makes you feel like you are in the forest. Works with the title of the painting so well. Really nice job!

Honorable Mentions
“Desert Heat” by Catherine Alvarez-Smith
This painting is beautifully composed. The design leads one’s eyes all through the lovely desert flowers. The palette chosen is simple and impactful; more colors are not needed. The red square unifies the piece, and the textures are subtle and well thought out. The paint quality is superb, but mainly it is the design of this piece that is so captivating.

“The Red Chair” by Ann Slater
In spite of the title, the red chair is not the first thing you see in this painting. One’s focus is completely on the abstract quality of the piece, with this mysterious woman sinuously sitting smack in the middle. All the lines lead to her. The color combinations and texture are very imaginative, and they work beautifully to keep you circling through this happy piece.

“She” by Wanda Honeycutt
Wow! This painting captures your imagination right away, with its subject matter of mystery and beauty. The painting shows solid draftsmanship and skill. The design is quite stark, which emphasizes the puzzle of the woman and her tossed object. A charming and creative piece.

Honorable Mention, Miniatures
“Pink Reflections” by Lorna Farmer
I love the impressionistic flair. The complementary color scheme is well thought out. The artist uses dabs of color that move the eye around the entire painting. These shapes provide unity as well. An imaginative and lovely floral.

Best of Miniatures
“Family” by Jean Silva
The first thing that the viewer sees is the affection and attachment between these two people. The composition is masterful, with the subject touching three sides of the painting. Simple and effective color scheme, very beautifully painted. The facial expressions are so interesting – I am totally charmed by this painting.

Best of Theme
“Scintillation Explosion” by Nancy-Jo Klaphaak
Scintillation is flashes of light, and the artist has certainly captured that. It’s abstract, dynamic, and beautifully designed. The vibrant color scheme highlights all those flashes of light. Touches of texture enhance this very nice, creative painting.

Third Place
“THE UPS AND DOWN” by Mark Smith
What a fun and charming painting. The distortion is compelling, holds the viewer’s interest. Guessing it’s somewhere in Europe with the architecture and all the stairways. The elongated composition enhances the effect, works very well. One’s eye just chases all through the painting, admiring the building shapes. The colors work well together, the sky is beautiful. Very nicely painted. Exceptionally creative.

Second Place
“Decision Day” by Roberta Dyer
Either this is a red-headed woman or a fireman with a heavy decision to make. This painting really delivers on the emotion. The composition is superb, everything works to keep the viewer interested; the shapes and their relative sizes, the colors chosen for great effect, the textures. It’s all really nicely done. The “F” on the briefcase (?) is a teaser, makes us worry about the contents… I think the artist had great fun with this piece.

First Place
“America’s Cup Harbor” by Chuck McPherson
This painting is exquisitely designed. The composition works to move one’s eye completely through the painting again and again. It works in terms of the colors used, not typical, with blues, golds and browns and a pop of pinky violet. It is all quite subtle. This piece does not scream for attention, but once it gets attention it holds. It is realistic painting of course, but it has a charming abstract quality too, with sizes and shapes arranged so compellingly.