This is a superb cityscape painting from a technical expertise point-of-view. The artist’s wonderful eye for detail is consistent throughout the painting, from foreground to the most distant background.… Read more
Nobody understands value better than Stan. This painting is practically monochromatic and displays a great understanding of composition that makes it very exciting for a piece of architecture.… Read more
In this cityscape I love most of all the balloons in the sky, their soft edges and how they capture the ethereal effect of the whole piece on a rainy, cloudy day.… Read more
Hermon Tesfal was born and grew up in the outskirts of Asmara city, Eritrea, where he still lives. His childhood exposure to green areas, wide farmlands, and animal farms implanted in him the desire to recreate such magnificent views of nature in the form of visual art.… Read more
This is a very abstract painting with a limited color harmony but with a warm dominance, and the design radiates into the center instead of out from the center.… Read more
Suzanne (also known as Zanniki) is one of the newest members of the San Diego Watercolor Society (SDWS). She was born in South Africa, lived in Switzerland for 22 years and is now residing in Escondido. She has been a self-taught artist since 1990, learning by experience and from taking a number of workshops over the years from renowned art instructors.… Read more
Tom O’Brien is originally from Albuquerque, New Mexico, but recently moved to San Diego last summer after a sojourn in Japan. He earned a B.S. degree from the University of New Mexico in 2011, with a minor in Studio Art, and has trained with some notable artists such as Colley Whisson, Lindsey Kustusch, and Randall Sexton.… Read more
Parva Zarei is one of the newest members of the San Diego Watercolor Society (SDWS). She is originally Persian but she lived in Germany for many years before moving to first Northern California and then Southern California, where she settled three years ago.… Read more
Welcome to Susan Knapp, one of our newest members! Susan is originally from Pensacola Beach, Florida but she has lived in Carlsbad for the past 28 years. The only art training Susan had was taking a series of classes at Mira Costa College four months ago with Barbara Roth.… Read more