The August 2019 monthly member show will be a Merchandise Awards Show, so get your paintings ready!
This year, the awards will be a Logan 350-1 Mat Cutter, a $50 gift card from Artist’s and Craftsman Supply, and two sets of Dr.… Read more
The August 2019 monthly member show will be a Merchandise Awards Show, so get your paintings ready!
This year, the awards will be a Logan 350-1 Mat Cutter, a $50 gift card from Artist’s and Craftsman Supply, and two sets of Dr.… Read more
Tags: acrylic, artist, awards show, san diego art gallery, san diego watercolor society, watercolor, watermedia
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Juror’s Bio
Master Artist, Kathleen Conover exhibits her work, juries exhibitions, gives demonstrations and teaches in-depth workshops. She has been juried into more than 200 exhibitions, receiving national and international recognition for the vision, innovative techniques, and fearless expression that give rise to her unique designs. Painting… Read more
Tags: acrylic, ana laura salazar, artist, awards, barry sapp, bonnie woods, charles henry rouse, christine alfery, dave carlson, gay paratore, helen hayes, jeffrey jensen, mixed media, paige trinnamen-kimball, painting, pat moseuk, roberta dyer, robin erickson, san diego, san diego watercolor society, watercolor, western federation of watercolor societies, WFWS44
Posted in Member News, Shows / Exhibitions | Comments Off on Juror Comments: 44th Western Federation of Watercolor Societies Exhibition